We will notify your receiver about this transfer and help them access their funds in Romania.
Exchange Rate
1.00 EUR = 4.9479 RON
Transfer Amount
210 EUR
Transfer fee
+0.00 EUR
Transfer total
210 EUR
Receiver gets:
1039.06 RON
Ecosystem bonus:
100 RON
Total receiver gets:
1139.06 RON
Delivery time:
In Minutes
Happy Path (Review - already WU Digital Bank user)
Receiver's mobile
Hi , Piotr sent you EUR, your account will be credited shortly.
Hi , your Western Union Digital Bank account has been credited with EUR.
Happy Path (Review - no Bank account yet)
Receiver's mobile
Hi , Piotr just sent you EUR. Access funds through Western Union multicurrency wallet and get instant 100 RON cashback click here and start now! You can also cash out at the nearest Western Union location - WU agent locator
Happy Path (Receipt - already WU Digital Bank user)
Hi Denisa, your Western Union Digital Bank account has been credited with 210 EUR from Piotr Maciejewski. Your current balance is 1500 EUR.
Happy Path (Receipt - no Bank account yet)
Hi Denisa, 210 EUR from Piotr and 100 RON reward are waiting for you. Please click https://wu.go/31239dsds to open Western Union Digital Bank account and claim the money. Or pick up the money at a Western Union location in Romania.